Interactive Art setting up chess game children on bench sculpture


Size: Customized

Material: Bronze

Technology: ′Lost Wax′ Casting

Surface: Patina

Package: Wooden Batten box

Suitable: Garden, Home Decor, Outdoor

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Chess is a board game played by two players. When you are bored, you can play chess with your good friends. If you like playing chess very much, you can decorate your garden with some children on bench sculptures around your home. Please take a look at our children on bench sculpture. The two children are sitting on a chair playing chess. The little boy was placing the chess in his next position, and the girl was thinking about her next move. Playing chess is a very mental game. This will make both children smarter.  The children on bench sculptures are perfect for the garden.

In official games, chess pieces use three-dimensional pieces. Informal chess can be played with flat pieces. With the Internet age’s advent, chess has entered the era of flat pieces. Chess games developed by, China’s largest gaming website, use flat pieces. Foreign large game website development of the chess game is the same plane pattern chess pieces. The official international and national chess games must use three-dimensional pieces. Playing chess can also be a good exercise for your brain, letting your brain have a better and faster operation. If you are very interested in chess, you can also put our children on bench sculptures in your home. Not only will it make a great decoration, but it will also stimulate your interest in playing chess.

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